Warrie Circuit Hike, Springbrook National Park
We acknowledge and pay respect to the land and the traditional families of the Yugambeh region of South East Queensland and their Elders past present and emerging. The Yugambeh region includes families that identify as Kombumerri, Mununjali, Wangerriburra and others.
The Warrie Circuit is a delightful circuit day hike with waterfalls, rainforest, rainbows and rivulets. 17 km (10.6 miles) officially, but a km or two less by most accounts. There is a shorter 4 km ‘Twin Falls Circuit’ walk, or an even shorter 2 km out and return walk, where you can also see some of the waterfalls.
Map signage at the start of the track: it’s worth taking a snap on your phone. Or load up on Avenza or Alltrails, although you may not have even gps reception in the deeper parts of the gorges.
Whilst there are variations in the published length of this day walk,
most agree on the 700 m elevation gain! and loss!
Like stories, the best walks have a natural rhythm, a beginning and middle, with scenes along the way, and a climax and resolution at the end. If you’re looking for an exceptional day walk less than an hour’s drive from the Gold Coast (90 minutes from Brisbane), the Warrie Circuit is hard to beat. We did this walk counter-clockwise to finish with the climactic spectacular views from Canyon Lookout, but either way would be fine.
This beautifully graded circuit starts at the Tallanbana picnic area carpark, descends along and between sheer rock walls through rainforest and past (under!) Rainbow and Goomoolahra Falls, before descending to a creek junction (‘Meeting of the Waters’) with sun-warmed rock slabs that make a perfect spot for lunch. The return ascent has welcome switchbacks before passing four more waterfalls and a final highlight of Canyon Lookout.
The track surface is generally smooth with a few rougher sections, with steps or switchbacks in steeper sections. Wet sections of rock or concrete near waterfalls may be slippery, and some of the lower creek areas dangerous after heavy rain.
An easy track…
With an initial gentle gradient through rainforest
And almost immediately, spectacular rock slabs
The track then follows the base of the canyon wall
Vertical rock walls covered in moss
Before we reach the lovely and aptly named Rainbow Falls
We pass through greenery and behind a curtain of water
To see the eponymous rainbow
And other delights …
There are orchids…
Pterostylis nutans
And ferns
as we walk onwards through the forest to Goomolahra Falls
Many orchids
Pterostylis hildae (?)
Fungi abound as well.
Keep your eyes peeled!
Turkey Tail fungus
Still descending …
towards more water
In steeper sections
there are well formed steps
… And down alongside a rushing creek
A perfect spot for lunch, accompanied by the music of water
Lunch time!
Now for the climb out
through more beautiful rainforest
And yet more waterfalls:
here, Poonyahra Falls
and passing behind one last curtain
before climbing the canyon wall to Canyon Lookout,
with its expansive views eastwards to the Gold Coast