Day 5: Junction Lake

By now we realise that tracks away from the main walking areas are slow going. So we reset our goals to stop at Junction Lake rather than continue to Lake Artemis. This is a wet day of walking with many light rain showers, often blown horizontally! But again, the country is more than making up for the inclement weather and after all this is Tasmania, so we expected to get some wet and windy days.

9 km and 150 m elevation gain today

More bucketing rain on and off all night and in the morning. We are in no hurry so can afford to wait and see . Hot tea and Breakfast in the tent again.

Pale tan echidna snuffling beside textured grey log

The rain eases momentarily, we pack up and set off. We spot this little fellow. The echidnas here are pale and furry compared to South Australia’s dark spiny ones!

Raining but lovely.

Smiling hiker wearing hip length goretex rainwear and rain pants and holding hiking poles

Our trusty goretexes.
Worth every gram of their not inconsiderable weight! A good visor and shielding around the face is especially important when you wear glasses like Geoff and me!

Stunted tiny orchid Prasophyllum alpinum

Another gnarly leek orchid,

Prasophyllum alpinum.

Mounds of golden yellow spagnum moss edging water

The sphagnum moss is an almost iridescent yellow. A thrill to see such healthy living mounds.

Misty view across marsh land to Lake Youd with low mountain range in the background.

Lake Youd. The walk has been lovely along the Mersey River Valley and Mayfield Flats, with towering gums and open country interspersed with scrub and marsh.

Stratospire Li tent in tiny clearing surrounded by shrubs

A single sheltered campsite close to Junction Lake Hut. We checked the campsite on the mound near the lake, but it was very exposed. The wind just about knocked us off our feet!


Day 4: Lake Myrtle


Day 6: Lake Artemis